Like many procedures, facial massage also has both indications and contraindications.
An indication for the procedure may be the injection of certain types of gel-like correctors of wrinkles and facial contours under the skin. Most of them accelerate their main action after the procedure.
In addition, facial massage can be performed if the patient feels a local discomfort after injections of a drug that contains botulinum toxin. In this case, the procedure can help restore muscle function.
It is worth mentioning the indications for facial massage of each age group of people.
Young people under the age of 27.The main indication for face massage at this age is acne, which is in the stage of compensation or subcompensation, as well as oily porous skin.
From 28 to 35-40 years old.At this age, the natural processes of formation of fibroblasts and moisture-forming elements of the skin are usually slowed down.
After 35-40 years (less often after 45 years).The signs of aging of the face, neck and décolleté are more actively manifested (the tone and turgor of the skin and muscles decreases, the first fine and deep wrinkles appear; as well as additional skin folds in the neck and upper eyelids). This is a direct indication for cosmetic procedures based on massage.
Regardless of the age category, facial massage is relevant in case of the presence of a double chin, which has arisen due to an excess of subcutaneous fat or due to hypotension, as well as in the case of atony of dry dehydrated skin. Naturally, a specific massage technique is shown for each individual case.
Contraindications:Like any other aesthetic or medical procedure, massage of the face, neck and décolleté has its limitations.
- The presence of acute infectious and allergic rashes on the skin (eczema, pyoderma, herpes, etc.);
- Numerous moles (nevi) and papillomatous formations;
- Violation of the integrity of the skin (scratches, abrasions, cuts);
- Increased fragility of the superficial vessels of the skin;
- After medium and deep chemical peels.
- In addition, massage of the above zones is contraindicated in the presence of oncological diseases of nearby organs, acute neuritis of the facial nerves, hypertension (3rd stage), acute sinusitis, sinusitis, diseases of the blood coagulation system.