Relaxation Body Massage

in Miami Beach

Call us to book available time and location
Our signature relaxation body massage gently works the upper layers of muscle tissue, avoiding deeper tissue release techniques that may cause physical pain. Expect facilitated release of tension, deep relaxation and a gentle, calm touch that will leave you feeling restored and ready to face your day. The session can include essential oils aromatherapy for a synergistic effect.

This type of massage has an effect not only on the human body. In addition, it helps to improve the functioning of the organs and internal systems, muscles, joints and nerve fibers.

Thus, this massage is based on the impact on the skin, muscles and sensory organs, which are associated with the nervous system. Thanks to this, an overall positive effect on the entire body is achieved.

Differences between classic and relaxing massage

The main difference lies in the purpose of the impact. Classical massage is used for the treatment of specific diseases, general improvement of health and is recommended as rehabilitation after operations and injuries.

The relaxation procedure is aimed at relieving nervous tension and chronic fatigue. It is advised for problems with sleep and loss of strength. The similarity of the methods lies in strengthening the body and improving the general condition.

Relaxing body massage features

In the Miami massage team the massage is performed in a warm and comfortable room in a quiet relaxing atmosphere. Our specialists use aromatic oils during the procedure.

The choice of massage oil should be made very carefully because its components will be absorbed into the hot skin through the open pores. Therefore, if you are allergic to various components, please tell your massage therapist about it.

The use of a cream or lotion is advisable after the session.

This type of massage is performed on the naked body. It establishes contact between the hands of the massage therapist and the patient. Thus, the temperature of the masseur's hands and the temperature in the room is optimal and set for peace and tranquility.

The session is carried out without any gaps or pauses, while the contact between the hands and the body should not be lost.

All movements and pressures of the therapist are carried out exclusively in the direction of the lymph nodes: the back of the head, shoulders, hands, elbows, shoulders, feet, knees and hips.

What happens next?

After Relaxation body massage the activity of many areas of the brain not only increases your performance, but also leads to an increase in the biofield.

Imagine, just from an example that is clear to everyone, that the "operating voltage" of your biofield is 220 volts, like in a home outlet.

At this voltage, it has maximum brightness, like a light bulb designed for just such a load.

However, the brain is loaded with different tasks and it outputs a reduced voltage for the biofield, albeit 110 volts.
The biofield will glow, but it will be dim, that is, the "light bulb" will shine at half the intensity.

If, using "energy massage", you increase the activity of the brain so that it will give out the "required voltage of 220 volts", then the biofield will receive the energy it needs in full and will increase its size.

Another comparison can be made, for example, with a car battery.

If it is not charged in a timely manner, then it weakens rather quickly and performs its functions with great difficulty or not all, as it is discharged.

The program we offer allows you to constantly keep your internal energy battery in good condition, when it provides 100% neo

Benefits of a relaxing massage course

A relaxing massage, tailored to the individual characteristics of a person and in compliance with the technique, can increase resistance to stressful situations and heal the body.

A relaxing massage helps:

  • relieve stress and gain new strength (great for those who experience frequent prolonged depression and insomnia);
  • eliminate muscle tension and fatigue (relevant for those who often have a cold);
  • slow down anti-aging changes (the procedure is aimed at tightening the skin - renews and regenerates cells).

In addition to the fact that a person gets pleasure from this type of massage, muscles relax and a feeling of peace comes. Lymph gains momentum, accelerates, the blood circulation process is activated, and as a result, oxygen is transported faster throughout the body. This process contributes to the healing of the whole organism as a whole.

Also, this procedure has a positive effect on the nervous system. A daily relaxing massage will help improve your mental state and increase stress resistance.

However, in order to achieve the desired effect, you should first talk with your doctor and be examined.

This procedure is suitable for those who have:

  • chronic fatigue;
  • frequent depression and colds;
  • nervous tension;
  • frequent stressful situations;
  • increased muscle tension;
  • emotional fatigue.


After a relaxing massage, you will feel much better. It is not surprising, the correct technique tones the weight, removes emotional blocks and relaxes.

Such a procedure can improve the work of the sebaceous and sweat glands, as well as relax the muscles - they will become elastic and mobile. At the same time, it is possible to strengthen the nervous system and remove toxins from the body.

Check available time and location, call us 786-600-9597 to make an appointment right now!