Reflexology Massage

in Miami Beach

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Reflexology Massage is a unique procedure based on a physiological effect not only on the surface of the skin, but also on deep tissues.

Reflexology sessions are an incredible way to achieve total body results through targeted treatment. Taking into account neural pathways and the interconnectedness of the networks that regulate your body systems, reflexology sessions involve localized pressure and massage of identified areas of the hands and feet. Reflexology can be used to solve problems throughout the body, but also to target specific issues of pain, weakness, or numbness in the limbs.

Reflex massage sessions are carried out as a part of the complex therapy of the majority of diseases. The main goal is the general improvement of the body.

Today, this technique is actively used by the leading states of the East. Now it is available in Miami Massage team salon on Miami Beach.

How Reflexology Massage works

It's not a secret that the human body is a single whole. Interconnections between individual systems exist due to nerve fibers. As for the innervation, it is segmental in nature. Proceeding from the spinal cord, each large nerve trunk carries its branches to the subcutaneous tissue, skin, muscles, fascia, internal organs, bones. Each organ gets its own nerve root on the surface of our skin. Most often, this "spine" means not only a certain active point, but also a wide area. Subject to the slightest deviation in the full functioning of this or that organ, it affects the skin and subcutaneous structures.

The impact on the corresponding area can radically change the function of this organ and the whole organism. Most of the biologically active points are concentrated in the area of the hands, feet, cervical spine, lumbosacral, collar zone.

Reflex zones of various organs are located side by side, and in some cases even intersect. Therefore, only a professional massage therapist will be able to determine the zones of influence that would hit the target exactly.

What to expect during Reflexology Massage session?

Before a massage session, a specialist with his hands works through all biologically active points, thereby determining the localization of a particular pathological process. The result of this tactile examination is a lot like magic, because the massage therapist can independently determine the patient's diseases. But there is no trick in it. These points are the most painful. In the reflex zone there may be burning, itching, tingling and other unpleasant feelings.

After the preparatory stage of massage and examination of active points, the specialist produces gradual pressure on these points over a certain period of time.

After several sessions of reflex massage, a significant improvement in the state of the body can be traced, which is expressed, first of all, in the activation of the endocrine and autonomic systems, improvement of blood supply, normalization of the full functioning of internal organs.

Indications for the use of reflex-segmental massage

The indications for segmental massage are generally the same as those for classical massage. But thanks to reflex action, they are expanded to diseases of the internal organs.

Main indications:

  • functional and chronic diseases of internal organs;
  • violation of the blood supply to internal organs;
  • degenerative, functional and chronic rheumatic diseases of the spine and joints;
  • violation of the regulatory function of the autonomic system;
  • violation of the regulatory function of the endocrine system.

In addition, sports massage can be more effective if it is supplemented with primary segmental massage.

In the course of observations it was proved that segmental massage regulates vegetative functions, improves blood supply and absorption, relieves pain attacks and normalizes the functions of internal organs.

We suggest you to familiarize with the features of the reflex massage at Miami massage team in more detail.

Therapeutic service can be provided for individuals as well as for couples and for groups of people

Check available time and location, call us 786-600-9597 to make an appointment right now!