Why is Massage Therapy So Beneficial to those who Suffer Lower (or any) Back Pain?

Lower back pain or any back pain is one of the most common reasons people look out for medical concerns throughout the world. The well-known solution to this problem is massage therapy, which has the most positive results, giving relief from back pain.
Several medical treatments have been tried to relieve back pain, including injections, medications, and even surgeries. However, very often, some have shown less positive results based on the condition of the patient.

According to research, 54% of healthcare professionals state that they will recommend their patients to go for massage therapy in adjunct to medical treatment. They understand massage therapy as a reliable treatment for lower (or any) back pain and efficient addition to lower back treatments.

Back Pains that Relieve from Massage Therapy

1. Muscular Strains in Lower or Upper Back

Most of the upper or lower back pains occur due to muscle strain from lifting a heavy object, sudden jerk, or slip while walking. By this, inflammation occurs in the area around muscles due to its straining or torn followed by spasm, causing difficulty in movement. Massage therapy can recover the spasm and restore movement in the area.

2. Osteoarthritis of the spine

When the cartilage, in the back portion of the spine, between the aligning facet joints breaks down, it results in spinal arthritis. As a result, the facet joints become inflamed, and due to the degeneration of the bone, pain occurs due to the rubbing of bones together. Therapeutic massage, a type of massage therapy, helps to relieve this back pain.

3. Fibromyalgia

In this back pain problem, every individual is affected differently, such as pain in the back, stiffness, and fatigue. The patient feels widespread pain as well as in a particular tender point. Massage therapy can restore stiffness and relieve both tender points and widespread pain.

Benefits of Massage Therapy to Treat the Lower Back Pain

Now, how these problems with the muscles are recovered by massage therapy? Let's know the reasons for and benefits of massage therapy:

1. Blood Flow and its Circula on

One of the most effective results of massage therapy is that it increases blood flow and circulation. Consequently, the blood carrying nutrition reaches the muscles and tissues. It results in the recovery of muscle soreness occurred from any physical activity or muscle strain.

2. Reduce Tension in the Muscles

By having a proper massage, the tension in the muscles can be reduced. It helps in muscle relaxation that improves flexibility and reduces pain, which in turn, normalizes the sleep duration.

3. Endorphin Levels

Endorphin, the "feel good" hormones in the brain are increased in level. Enough amount of endorphin in the blood helps release depression and anxiety. So, people with chronic back pain can get relief from pain and gain faster recovery.

Final Words

Well! Is Massage Therapy beneficial for the treatment of lower back or any back pain? For most people, the answer is probably "Yes" because massage does not need the use of instruments and has li le to none side effects.
Apart from the three health benefits mentioned above, massage therapy also has several other benefits. If you want to benefit from the massage of best massagers, reach out to the dedicated team of Miami Massage.
AUGUST, 16 / 2020